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City Manager's Update: Ice Storm Debris Removal

Options being discussed by City Officials, Mayor Nail makes disaster proclamation for state review

Published: Thursday, October 29, 2020

From the City Manager's Office:

The City has received numerous calls and messages inquiring about debris removal. We understand the concerns of citizens as there has been extensive vegetative devastation across the city. We have been in contact with State officials this morning to ascertain whether or not a disaster declaration has been submitted for assistance from the federal government. At this point a disaster declaration has not been submitted by the State. However, State officials are meeting this afternoon to discuss this issue. We should have more information by tomorrow morning.
Please understand this is a complex process and will take some time to determine if the state and county are eligible and approved for disaster relief. The federal government requires the state and counties to meet established monetary thresholds related to total damage. If those thresholds are met, the request for assistance may be approved. 

Newcastle has already began working on the various requirements we have to meet as a city. Mayor Karl Nail has approved and submitted a disaster proclamation for the City of Newcastle to the state. Management and staff are working together to calculate damage estimates and associated costs for clean-up. If and when a disaster declaration is approved for the state and county, we will immediately submit further documentation for assistance.

In the meantime, the City understands property owners may begin cleaning up by moving vegetative and other debris to the street-side. If doing so, please ensure the debris does not stick out into the roadway or impedes traffic in any way. Also, please understand, in the event a disaster declaration is not approved for the state and county, property owners may be responsible for removal and disposal of their debris.
Further information will be provided as it becomes available.
