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Homecoming Parade 2022

Homecoming Parade 2022

Published: Friday, September 23, 2022

Sign up here:

Check-in, Route, and Rules


Contact Kyle Marks at


Friday, October 7, 2022 - The parade will commence precisely at 3 PM.

Check-In & Parade Line-Up

ONLY parade participant vehicles allowed in staging areas. Please do not block driveways or staging areas.

1:30pm to 2:00pm - School floats will be lining up.

2:00pm to 2:30pm - Business floats, extra-curricular floats and cars will be able to line up.

These time frames are very important to the lineup. Late arrivals will be placed at the end of the parade. (Please review map for staging locations)

Parade Route

The parade will begin on NW 14th St. heading South on HWY 62/Main St. to Newcastle High School.

Parade Rules

  1. Road Closure - The following Roads will be closed during the Homecoming Parade: From 2:50PM-4PM on October 7th All Lanes of HWY 62/Main St. will be closed from NW 16th St. to HWY 130.
  2. Spectators - Can line up on both sides of the Road to watch the parade. Candy will be allowed to be thrown, but all effort must be made to get the candy to the sidewalks.
  3. Float Safety - Each Float is responsible for the safety of all participants associated with that float. Each Float must have a designated person in front of the float to ensure safe travels. Walkers will not be allowed beside the floats/cars.
  4. Keep entry moving - do not stop your vehicles unless the parade stops or unless you are instructed to do so by a parade official or public safety officer. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. No additional vehicles can enter the parade after 2:45PM.
  5. Please be Patient & Safe - Remain patient during line up procedures. Please help us out by maintaining a friendly and Racer spirited attitude. Remember…IT’S ALL ABOUT SHOWING SCHOOL SPIRIT AND HAVING FUN! But also, please remember to remain safe and stay out of the Roads and always keep an eye on your children.